
Jiangxi Hongke Special Alloy Co., Ltd Jiangxi excellent enterprise

(086)135 8870 9148

Shanghai International Aluminum Industry Exhibition ends successfully -- starting again in 20 years

2022-06-12 21:20:23 bkh72955573 229

From July 10 to 12, the 2019 China International Aluminum Industry Exhibition was held in Shanghai New International Expo Center. The three-day Shanghai international aluminum industry exhibition came to a successful conclusion, and Jiangxi Jintai special materials Co., Ltd. made an amazing debut with full harvest.

The booth design of the company, with a concise and eye-catching design style and the concept of corporate logo, fully reflects the concept of openness, inclusiveness, integrity and enterprising of Jintai people, perfectly shapes Jintai's corporate image and culture, and has been widely praised.


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