
Jiangxi Hongke Special Alloy Co., Ltd Jiangxi excellent enterprise

(086)135 8870 9148

Al re master alloy

With uniform composition, stable quality and various types, it can be divided into element addition type, grain refinement type, modification type and melt purification type master alloy products to meet the application requirements of various purpose master alloy products.


It is used for aluminum rare earth in aluminum alloy smelting Element addition or grain refinement, low addition temperature, low alloy element loss, easy to control aluminum alloy composition.


Aluminum rare earth alre10;


This product is white block metal, each piece is about 8kg, and the outer package is plastic woven bag.

keep in storage:

Store in a ventilated and dry place, moisture-proof.

usage method:

Bake and dry before use, and the addition amount shall be determined by calculation and test according to the actual situation.


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